May 30, 2009

Some fun with matlab

I have not been able to do a lot of blogging on this site of late. Procrastination is the reason. Also, I was a bit busy with my project-work ( or the lack of it!!). Here I write about a small script i wrote to convert from mat files to csv files. I searched a lot for existing solutions but alas none was available though csv to mat converters exit in bulk.  While i wrote the script i realized the reason for non existance of such a script.
In Matlab you can store different types of information into a Mat file and some of it might not be easy to represent directly in a CSV file. for example structures cannot logically be put in a CSV file but arrays are easy to convert into csv.
So i wrote a script which can convert mat to csv but with a restriction. The MAT file should not contain any structures or row array's. It can have only column array's. Ofcourse, i know it is simple to change the column to row.

I dont think i can upload a file on to this blog, so till i can put the stuff on esnips this is the only way to share it.:-(

function mat2csv(fname,target)
% MAT2CSV convert a mat file to csv file
% MAT2CSV('matfilename.mat','csvfilename.csv')
% Output is generated using the data provided in the matfile ( one col per data element)
% Unused cells will be filled with zero's
% TODO: Currently the CSV file does not have column names, this will be
% added in next version
    error 'Incorrect Number of inputs. Refer to usage by using "help mat2csv"'
y = open (fname);
largest_entry =0;
flds = fieldnames(y);
for idx=1:size(flds)
    eval ( strcat('if(size(y.',char(flds(idx)),',2)> largest_entry)largest_entry = size(y.',char(flds(idx)),',2); end'));
eval ('outmatrix = zeros(largest_entry,size(flds,1));');
for idx=1:size(flds)
    eval ( strcat('outmatrix(1:size(y.',   char(flds(idx)),  ',2),', int2str(idx) ,') = (y.', char(flds(idx)), ');')  );
fl ='';
for idx=1:size(flds)
    fl = strcat(fl,char(flds(idx)),',');
[rc,cc] = size(outmatrix);
for idx=1:rc
   for jdx=1:cc-1

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  1. doesn't work

    >> mat2csv('ped_test_int.mat', 'ped_test_int.csv');
    ??? Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.

    Error in ==> mat2csv at 19
    eval ( strcat('outmatrix(1:size(y.', char(flds(idx)), ',2),', int2str(idx)
    ,') = (y.', char(flds(idx)), ');') );

  2. wessel i have checked the code...And realised that there is a small problem in that....However, it is simple to fix.
    In the code above there are a few eval statements....some of them use "2"...example the oner shown in ur comment has ,2....just replace the "2" with "1" and everything should wrk fine. The code above works if the variables are row if you change the "2" to "1" then the work for variables stored as column arrays.
    In case it is still not very clear...shoot me an email to so that i can send you the file.

    Thank you for pointing out the problem. Appreciate the effort
